Sunday, March 10, 2013

My Memory Placemats

 I am merging both of my blogs into this one:::

I have designated a wall in my home to items close friends have made for me, sent to me and I am adding pictures to it. I am having company over on Thursday night. It will be the first friends I have had over since I moved into this apartment in June of 2009. Long story, lots of psychotherapy and dealing with severe depression and ploughing thru personal issues which I hope are forever behind me.

This is my Memory Wall::


Anyway, I worked on crocheting some place mats for my kitchen table but that didn't seem right. So, I thought about it and came up with this idea::

I have some 14 inches long by 11 inches high stencil sheets. They are simple plastic sheets that you can make stencils out of. I ordered them from somewhere online, I'd have to find the invoice to remember who I ordered them from. Anyway, I bought some simple muslin fabric and I have made sleeves or pillowcase like pieces to fit the plastic sheets inside. I also bought some permanent markers in lots of colours so my guests can write on the placemats, on either side or both if they want to. I am using the plastic inside so the permanent markers won't bleed through to my table.

This one is my very first one, so it is very ,shall we say, primitive? LOL I haven't sewn in a while. As I make more, I will improve and play around with them. I sewed by hand because I want the thread to come out easily so I can display both sides on my wall. 

I love the idea and I think it will be a LOT of fun!!  Now, I gotta crochet some napkins!!!

Later, yawl!! XOXOX

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